2010 is coming to a conclusion and let's look at a year of failures of some people that have just completely failed and fell flat on their face. This will be known as the Celebrity Fail roll of 2010. See who's made the list of people that you could say have truly hit rock bottom.
Lindsay Lohan Drug Rehab fail
Lilo is probably the 2010 biggest failure being a whiny brat crying after she got sentenced to 90 days in jail. Seems she can't stay off the crack, coke, marijuana, speed, ecstacy, heroin or whatever this low life is on. She is certainly not the best role model for girls out there and she is starting to look like a hideous troll. Keep up the drugs, drinking and smoking.
Paris Hilton stupid spoiled whore
Watch the episode of South Park called Stupid Spoiled Whore to find out what Paris is truly about. She was caught many times this year in possession of marijuana and cocaine. Just search for paris hilton drugs 2010 and you'll find all of her famous press stories of 2010. Way to go Paris, I thought you were trying to rebrand yourself as intelligent. Please try to spell intelligent, I bet you can't.
Tiger Woods 2010 Fail
Tiger Woods failed on many levels in 2010. He endured an entire year of being asked about his failed marriage while his ex-wife has practically acquired half of his wealth. To make it all worse he is playing horrible golf and has played one of his worst seasons ever. Oh and he lost many sponsors too, I'm sure Tiger is looking forward to a better start to 2011.
Mel Gibson meltdown
Mel Gibson hopefully has hit rock bottom but perhaps he still has more low life moments ahead of him including 2011. In 2010 he really broke down and seems to have completely lost it. He lost Leonardo Di Caprio to a movie because of the event. I can't see many people wanting to associate with a creep like this.
Of course there are more failures than this but LiLo takes 2010 Fail of the year. Congratulations Lindsay Lohan!