Great Aunt Patty’s Ranger Cookies from the 1940s There were dark days in Europe and Asia during the 1940’s as ideologies clashed around the globe during World War II. A bright moment did occur from time to time as American soldiers received what was called “care” packages from their sweethearts back home. Along with windows and porch railings reflecting the patriotic homemade banners of Service Stars, an American tradition that began during World War I, another homemade idea was being prepared in American kitchens. It was Christmas time and the girls were getting together to send their boys in uniform what they called Ranger Cookies.
On a radio filled with glowing tubes they listened to the Bugle Boy of Company B, Little Brown Jug and many other swing bands of that era as they lovingly prepared the Ranger Cookies in Christmas packages. That’s the history that Great Aunt Patty passed down and here’s the recipe to go with it. Great Aunt Patty’s Ranger Cookies from the 1940s 1 Cup butter or Crisco, 1 Cup White Sugar and 1 Cup Brown Sugar. Mix these three ingredients well. Then add three beaten eggs, ½ teaspoon vanilla, two cups sifted flour, one teaspoon baking soda, a dash of salt, ½ teaspoon baking powder and mix the ingredients well.
Then you need to add one cup chopped walnuts, one cup chocolate chips, one cup grated coconut, and two cups fine oatmeal. Mix all ingredients well. Then stir in two cups Rice Krispies. Drop by teaspoon onto a cookie sheet. Bake 8 to 10 minutes at 350 degrees. Truly these cookies will bring on smiles and happy faces today just as they did to many soldiers over 70 years ago.
Happy Holidays everyone and have a Merry Christmas.